Client: Dredging Equipment Company
Our client, one of the oldest and most successful dredging equipment companies in the world, that has been supplying dredging equipment to governments, municipalities, contractors, sand and gravel operators, port authorities, and marina operators for over 125 years, needed to expand their engineering team in Maryland and Wisconsin. The company had an excellent engineering team but were in need of additional mechanical engineers to meet the increasing demands in both locations. With limited resources, the client was unable to attract the necessary number of candidates to fill these opening in a timely manner
Our Solution
The company looked to Softworld Engineering to conduct an initial study of the various candidate pools by job titles in each market to establish a timeline to meet their strategic goals.
Softworld conducted a market analysis to determine the salary range and candidate availability within a 75-mile radius of each plant location.
Softworld deployed senior account Manager, Chris Simms, with hands-on business experience, having worked in this market with similar companies for approximately 20 years, to successfully lead the initiative.
After an initial site visit to determine the scope of the hiring and establish an appropriate timeline to meet the client’s needs, Softworld began the initial steps of the recruiting campaign by utilizing the resources in our established network and aggressively targeting companies that utilize similar technologies.
We were tasked to initially fill eight internal positions and were asked to deliver a robust pipeline for them to choose from within a two-week time frame. We were able to mine the talent that was a close match to the skills that our client was looking for, and were able to source several dozen candidates in the two geographies.
Our client was impressed with the set of results we produced and pleasantly surprised by our ability to
find talent that was very close to their requirements. Through our initial campaign, we were able to fill all open orders which subsequently led to additional orders that we are currently sourcing for. I am proud to say that Softworld has an exclusive agreement to provide staffing resources for both locations.